Royal Icing disaster!

by Mary

I made two different recipes for royal icing and had the same problem!! My icing didn’t get hard enough quick enough and it sagged...I was across the country and felt so stranded!! What could I do differently? I want an icing the cements FAST...
Thanks! Mary in Minnesota

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Dec 04, 2018
Royal Icing
by: Ami

My only suggestion would be to use the recipe with fresh egg whites.
3 large egg whites
1/2 tsp. cream of tartar
4 cups confectioners sugar

I mix it all slowly at first until it all gets wet. I then scrape down the edges of the bowl. I then turn up the speed to as fast as it will go for 5 minutes. I sometimes add water to make the piping easier, but do not do that because it increases the drying time.

Note, you still need to let the icing set overnight (once applied to the gingerbread) so that it becomes rock hard, but it will set up initially very well. I always hold my gingerbread for a full minute before letting go. If you want, you can add a tiny bit more of the cream of tartar.

I have tried it all, and this is my recipe I always use. You can sand it later.

I place about 1/2 cup of the icing into a pastry bag and dispense the rest into a medium sized bowl with a wide top. I then place a large piece of saran wrap right on the icing so there is no air that gets into the icing. I gently press w/ my fingers along the edges of the bowl to keep out air. I replace the saran wrap quickly each time I take out some. This will allow you to keep it overnight, if necessary. Remember to stir the icing the next day before using. Hope this helps.

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