Gingerbread House Instructions
Have you read through the gingerbread house instructions on this site and you're STILL a bit nervous? Don't worry! Making gingerbread houses is easy! If you're a more visual learner, you'll LOVE these gingerbread house building videos!
Another nice one. This video offers gingerbread house instructions from a great, motherly voice. REALLY shows the ingredients being added and mixed, cutting the pieces out, candy windows, lighting, and everything! Here's a video demonstrating how to make a gingerbread house from a kit. She skips some crucial steps, like how to get the sides to stand up, but it's good to watch if you're about to make your first gingerbread house and you're using a kit. Here's a really cute, heart-warming video of a family working together to build a gingerbread house kit. No talking, just holiday music, but it really looks like they're having fun. You can even see the little girl sneaking some of the candy while decorating. This one's good to watch if you'd like to see some decorating ideas in action, like how to make icicles dripping from the roof. Here's a cooking show where he walks through the early gingerbread house instructions, including the mixing ingredients step. He sort of skips the decorating step though: Here's a nice podcast - decorating ideas only - no baking or house construction. LOVE the ice cream cone evergreen tree with silver balls! And the cinnamon stick logs are a nice touch! Here's a nice demo of the baking phase - even shows how to do candy windows (made of lollypops.) He includes a really interesting tip to help hold the roof on too! Here's a very realistic one! Several people trying to work together and all calling out instructions at once. They end up with a super-creative gingerbread pyramid house: Watch some of these demonstration videos and then try it yourself! click here to follow along with our gingerbread house construction page. Return HOME From Gingerbread House Instructions Page |
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