Melting issues?

by Sarah

I need to design a gingerbread village for a professional photo shoot which will be seen by millions. I was planning on using regular royal and possibly buttercream icing to construct it but I'm very concerned about the heat from the lights on it for hours and hours. Is this an issue with the royal icing? I can avoid buttercream if necessary (I was just going to use it for the "snow" on the ground) because it will absolutely melt and cause a landslide.

Does anyone know anything about this and/or have any tips? I believe it can be a tad inedible if needed (I would love to make it all edible if I could) so if there's something else that looks like royal icing that would stand up to the heat or some trick someone knows it would be very helpful.

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Oct 30, 2010
Melting problem (hope this helps)
by: Anonymous

Hi Sarah. normally a little cream or tartar is added to the royal icing to prevent melting.

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