
by Vicky Sinton
(Victoria, Australia)

Can you use Icing instead of gum paste to stick the walls together and to stick lollies on?

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Dec 23, 2015
Melted sugar as glue
by: Monique

In a non-stick pan, pour in a layer of white sugar and stir until it melts and turns brown. It can burn quickly so you have to work fast. Remove it regularly from the heat between pieces so that the sugar doesn't burn and then put it back on again to liquify it as it gets thick and gummy as it cools.

Take one piece at a time, dip it in the melted sugar and immediately stick it to your next piece. It hardens instantly so make sure you line it up properly. And don't burn yourself!

If the sugar starts getting too brown and smelling burnt, discard it and start over with new sugar. It cleans up easily with hot water.

The benefit of using melted sugar is it hardens instantly so the entire house can be assembled within minutes and the houses can then be decorated right away.

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