
How do you make or where do you purchase furniture for the houses.

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Nov 19, 2012
Candy Dresser
by: Kelly

How about using sticks of gum as your edible furniture material? You can cut them into the appropriate pieces and then glue them together with royal icing (any icing that hardens when it dries - You can probably find "cookie icing" in your grocery store).

Marzipan is always an easy material for modeling into shapes (fondant and gum paste too). You use it just like playdough (and you can generally find smallish cans of pre-made marzipan in your grocery store too).

Does anyone else have any ideas for them?

Nov 17, 2012
How to make a dresser.
by: Anonymous

My friends and I are doing a house project for class and we want to have it be candy themed. We have tried and tried but we can't figure out how to make a candy dresser. Help??

Aug 26, 2009
gingerbread house furniture
by: J Haase

Gingerbread house furniture is not an item to buy - it's an item to make!

Most of the furniture in gingerbread houses is made of a combination of fondant, candy, and (here in Pennsylvania) pretzels! There are books in craft stores for dollhouse sized furniture patterns which can be copied in thin gingerbread that is baked at a lower temperature longer to completely dry out the piece. Royal icing dried on waxed paper can be used to create wrought iron chairs and tables. Small stick pretzels can be used as legs for the furniture. Large gumballs can be used for lamp bases, and large gumdrops with the tops cut off make shades for them. Starburst candy is great to be sliced for books (lots of colors!)or seat and backs for chairs. Small snack cookies make great tabletops.

I have built houses for 32 years - with only one that didn't win in a competition. Have fun with this!

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