Assigned as team leader for gingerbread house contest at work - help?

by ione (eye-oh-knee)
(just outside Wash DC)

OK, so the boss at my new job approached me to see if I'd take on coordinating with staff to create a (hopefully) winning gingerbread house creation. I'm new - no's not an option.

Theme includes research lab & hospital theme. Thought a trip to a candy store & some imagination would satisfy decorating. But alas- I'm struggling! Need ideas or resource(s) for edible laboratory items (test tubes, research machines, monitors) and hospital room type items (should be somewhat easier I think). A health care professional or scientists would truly be awesome!

Have I bit off more than an unexperienced edible house builder can swallow? Kudos doing the impossible in a new job? Help?

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Nov 28, 2010
Hospital Gingerbread.
by: Carolyn Bowman

I don't know if you want to build a hospital room which would be easy or a labratory which would be more difficult. My first suggestion would be to use fondant - either homemade recipe or Wilton bought box of Fondant. Fondant can be molded into almost any shape. For instance - you could make a hospital bed frame from gingerbread or pretzels or candy canes or both the canes for the frame and the pretzels for the fill in lines in the frame. The matress could be made of tiny candy stuffed in a fondant mattress or candy bars covered with a fondant blanket and candy pillows for pillows. You can color fondant so that you can make a microscope or test tubes. They would not be transparent but color the bottom of the test tube and it would seem filled with some kind of liquid. You can make children from fondant.
A vase of flowers with tiny candy flowers (sold in jars for cake decorations). Gingerbread walls and tables and chest of drawers. Hope this helps.

Nov 28, 2010
Medical themed gingerbread house
by: Anonymous

Wow, you should be commended for taking this project on. I have no idea where you can find edible medical supplies, but white Good and plenty or Mike and Ikes might make good test tubes. The key to creative house building is seeing candy not as it is but what it can become.
Good luck!

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