when can you eat the ginger bread house

by vickey hoxie
(boyne city, mi )

when do you eat the ginger bread house? on or before or after christmas?

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Dec 11, 2015
Eating your gingerbread creations
by: Kelly

Don't worry, that was just one person's note about not eating their houses. Many (probably most?) people eat their houses. But it does depend on how long you're leaving it out and whether you're protecting it from bugs, dust,...

Those who spend months building and decorating a really grand gingerbread house might never eat it and prefer, instead, to enjoy looking at it out on display for a few months. I've done that and, when I did, I baked a bunch of gingerbread men at the same time so that we'd have something to eat while we admired the house as a decoration. But houses CAN be eaten several weeks (& I've even heard months) after they're created. It's just a matter of keeping them dry and clean.

Dec 11, 2015
on my post of eating ginger bread house
by: Anonymous

we are doing ginger bread house decorating at our church, the cookies are fresh right lol from the factor, yes we are cheating an decorating them. we aren't throwing them out, if that is what you do with them this is the last i am going to do this it's a waste of money time an ingredients not to mention the money spent on candys an all that work

Dec 11, 2015
we don't eat it.
by: Anonymous

I don't.. the cookie is too stale by then imo.. i make the house for the smell and look and then i toss in trash.

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