sugar glue

by Stacey Nagle

Growing up my mom made gingerbread houses every year for gifts. I remember she always had a hard time keeping the walls from falling in while working on it. So she melted sugar on a hot plate in a case iron fry pan, and dipped each edge of the walls in it. It instantly glued the walls together like cement. Then she proceeded to cover each corner with ornate icing. The sugar is very hot when melted, so use caution when using melted sugar.

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Dec 04, 2015
I <3 Sugar Glue!
by: Anonymous

I find sugar glue WAY better than icing for sticking the walls together. All the years of trying to prop the walls up for ages while they dry are behind me. A quick dip, touch them together and you are done. This means you don't have to glue everything together the night before. And they are way firmer than ones stuck with royal icing, until several days have passed and the icing is completely dry and hard. If you want to decorate same day, sugar glue is the way to go.

Dec 21, 2013
Sugar glue clean-up
by: Anonymous

We always used "burnt" sugar to glue our houses together. By far the easiest clean-up is to just fill the pan with water and soap, put all coated implements in and let is soak over night. The sugar will dissolve right off!

Dec 12, 2010
Sugar glue
by: Lin

In the past I have boiled sugar with just a drop of water to use as glue to assemble my gingerbread house. You have to be very careful and quick, once the sugar has boiled it can burn you if you aren't very careful, it sticks the pieces together quickly, but you need to store the gingerbread house somewhere cool, otherwise the sugar glue softens and runs, and the gingerbread house might come apart. You also have to keep reheating the sugar glue after assembling a few pieces as it so thickens and is to hard to work with. The pan and spoon get very messy, not fun cleaning up after you've finnished. This year I'm thinking of trying royal icing instead of the sugar glue. I would love to hear from anyone who uses royal icing to find out how well it works and if there are any problems.

Dec 12, 2010
Sugar glue
by: LinAnonymous

In the past I have boiled sugar with just a drop of water to use as glue to assemble my gingerbread house. You have to be very careful and quick, once the sugar has boiled it can burn you if you aren't very careful, it sticks the pieces together quickly, but you need to store the gingerbread house somewhere cool, otherwise the sugar glue softens and runs, and the gingerbread house might come apart. You also have to keep reheating the sugar glue after assembling a few pieces as it so thickens and is to hard to work with. The pan and spoon get very messy, not fun cleaning up after you've finnished. This year I'm thinking of trying royal icing instead of the sugar glue. I would love to hear from anyone who uses royal icing to find out how well it works and if there are any problems.

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