Spring & Over-Grown Garden Cake

by Jo O
(Melbourne, Australia)

Over-Grown Garden Grass Cake

Over-Grown Garden Grass Cake

I made this for my best friend's birthday end of Oct '8. Was happy with it cos it turned out very colourful & simple structured. My son & 2nd cuz helped with decorating it! I just made all the bits & bops; which may I say had to travel 800km to get to its destination interstate!

Being a single mum, my friend is always going on about how she HATEs having to do the mowing all the time. And so as her best friend, I decided to give her MORE rampaging grass to cut!! hahaha
- Im horridly cheeky!

So here's her cake with the grass & weeds all over grown & strawberries & flowers & vines & what not are taking over becos its Spring!! This is what happens in a fantasy garden! ;) Her real life pet rabbits are on the loose, as are her pet rats! Her daughter is standing there hands behind back, looking across at Mum & both have speech bubbles beside them.

Mum says:

"!@?!*!! WHAT??!...I just mowed last week?!!"

Daughter smugly replies:

"Yup! That's Spring for ya Mum!"

I tried to get the figurines to look as close to the real ppl & pets! The daughter DOES have that smirky look about her,...in a cute adorable way! The Mum DOES look bewildered & tired; as ALL us Mums do!
I think I did a reasonable job cos her family were very impressed as was my friend! Felt great to see her response!

It's hard trying to get all the features I did for this cake onto 1 picture because it was so ALL around! So I tried a collage! I hope it comes out! Otherwise go check it out here:

It's still a lil amateur but the more I do the more I love it & the better I get! LOVE it! ;)

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Mar 04, 2011
I like this!
by: Lisa

I like this cake. It contains humour and love and it comes across - no wonder your friend loved it so much. It looks like it was a fun cake to make - not a chore in any way. I was thinking that it was probably hard to know when to stop with the detail - you could have been tempted to keep putting loads more on it. Great cake.

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