I did it !!!!

by Kristy
(Brisbane, QLD Australia)

My House !

My House !

This year, I proudly told my friends and family that I (yes that's right , I Miss Kristy) was going to conquer making a gingerbread house! When I announced this piece of information, most people responded by looking at me with huge/bulging eyes, finished off with a loud sigh and a statement which said something like, "ohhhh right... hhmmm you know that you can buy the pre packaged gingerbread houses from Target?!"........ I looked at them with a puzzled yet keen expression which read "huh? pre packaged" NO WAY! I am going to conquer the art of making a gingerbread house from scratch!"

So off I went, searching frantically with my dear friend, my bff- Mrs GOOGLE for information- ANY information!! Just something that could give me a confidence booster and tell me in so many words that I can do this!! That I- Kristy, can conquer the art of making a gingerbread house...
so there I was sipping my cappuccino lecturing Mrs Google that she better find me a recipe which could tell me step-by-step how to do this! Thank goodness, Mrs Google cooperated with me as she simply led me to wwww.gingerbread-house-heaven.com ............All of sudden I felt a huge sigh of relief and I knew that I could put my confidence in this website to make my very first gingerbread house!

I chuckled to myself knowing that I would impress everyone at Christmas with an amazing gingerbread house... and I just knew that this would be the start of an annual hobby of mine!

So off I went to the shops, buying an assortment of brightly coloured lollies and melt-in-your-mouth chocolates.

When I came home, away I went rumbling, tumbling, baking, chopping and icing a very fine edible home- my very first gingerbread house!

When I arrived on Christmas day carrying the precious art piece, everyone stopped and stared (I now understand the expression- 'You could have heard a pin drop')! Their expressions were priceless! Every face in the room conveyed the message that I, Miss Kristy had conquered the art of making a gingerbread house from SCRATCH !! Not only was everyone impressed by the striking design of the house, but the sounds they made whilst they were eating the house said it all - This gingerbread house tasted delicious and was simply scrumptious !

I am so proud to announce that I, Miss Kristy did it !! I successfully made my very own gingerbread house!

I just want to take this time to thank Gingerbread-House-Heaven (ohh and Mrs Google for introducing me to the website) for their free recipe and house design!! This year I am hoping on making something even more impressive (like the city or beach house)!

xx Kristy (Australia)

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