Have a bakery business?
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If you own a bakery business, many of our readers want to know about it! We have a listing of bakeries broken down by geographical area. Your bakery may even already be listed.

If you'd like to add your bakery to our listing (or update your listing with current information,) fill out this simple form.

If you'd like us to include a URL to your business website, we simply ask that you first add a link to our site from yours. There's a place in the form to tell us where you've added the link. If you'd prefer not to, we'll still list your bakery along with the address and phone number.

Here's our info for the link (but feel free to change the wording to suit your site):

URL: http://www.gingerbread-house-heaven.com
Title: Gingerbread Houses and all things Gingerbread!
Description: Gingerbread House recipes, decorating ideas, kits, patterns, and LOADS of gingerbread photos for inspiration. Find your inner child by building a gingerbread house!

If you'd like to discuss other advertising or partnering opportunities, just let us know in the Additional Notes field.

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Gingerbread Templates

Check out our patterns page.

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Gingerbread Kits

Check out our kits page.